Kaye Goes To the Beach!

Kaye Goes To the Beach!
Life is like a Beach Chair

Thursday, June 9, 2011

If you're on purpose for doing great things, then great things will happen!

It's a great day to be alive and on purpose!  It is amazing how God works things out for you when you are on purpose for getting things done!   Being in business for yourself is very exciting, and it has been for me!  But you do have to have a plan, and you have to be willing to devote the same amount of time to building your business as you would to working for someone else!  We all must learn to work hard at the beginning so we can play hard later. . By intentionally setting aside time to get involved in spiritual activity, spending time with family and friends, working to make an income, feeding your brain with something positive, and then planning down time will make you happier beyond your wildest imagination!

Here's an idea for helping you to start designing the life of your dreams:
  • Take a sheet of paper and write down all of the goals that you have for your life!  Imagine where you want to live, how much money you want to make, what kind of car you want to drive, etc.  Remember to THINK BIG!
  • Think about when you want to have all of these things accomplished, and put a date on them
  • Next consider what it is going to take for you to make your dreams a reality (revenues, opportunities, etc.).  Also consider the obstacles you might face, and determine how you can overcome them.
  • Separate the goals into goals that you want to follow through with now and goals that you need to put off. Here's a tip for determining which category to put each goal into.  If you have a very clear vision about the outcome of the goal, then you can work on it now.  For each goal that you do not have absolute clarity on, put it aside.
  • Based on your research and consideration of the aforementioned items, put a plan into place to accomplish the goal and stick to it!  Don't give up!  And no matter what, be faithful and let no one else rain on your parade! 
If you do these things then you are off to a good start towards changing your life for the better!  You should always ask yourself, "What would I do if I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I couldn't fail?"  Then help yourself to believe that you won't fail by telling yourself that, and then run like the wind to your finish line!  God will keep you and take care of you the entire way!

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