Getting tired and frustrated with my performance, I realized that the race had kind of knocked me off my A-game for a moment. I wasn't thinking clearly and thoroughly. I decided to step onto the sidelines and regroup. I also practiced my jumps, took care to improve my stride, and today I am jumping hurdles as if I was Jackie Joyner-Kersee who earned a plethora of gold medals for hurdling in they Olympics! It feels good to be a winner....to be successful...to be loved and revered by many. But none of that can happen until we start to believe that the impossible is always possible.
We have so many examples in our world of this today. For example, we have airplanes, big and small flying all around us, when people thought in the past that it could never happen. Technology has improved so much that we no longer have to go to the mailbox to get a letter, we can receive it instantly via email. It took for one person to believe that these things could be accomplished, and to work with the right people to bring it to fruition. So remove the word impossible from your vocabulary. Remember no thought of action comes to our minds without the possibility of completing the action. If you take that with you, everywhere you go, the impossible does in fact become it's opposite!