When you are building a relationship with someone, whether it is business or otherwise, honesty is the best attribute you can exhibit. This characteristic builds all of those things that make a relationship work. "Back in the day" as we so often say now adays, a person's word was usually all they had to stand on in order to get a job, credit, and even a date with someone. While charisma and charm may take you a long way, if you are exposed for being dishonest, then the other attributes that you worked so hard showing off become dishonest too. Unless you can own up to your dishonesty, after getting caught, then chances are, the relationship is damaged....and more often than not, it's damaged forever.
If you are going to brand yourself as being a person of integrity, then its important to be truthful from the very beginning. Don't promise things that you cannot deliver. Don't pump yourself up to be extraordinary, when you know you are not at a state where you can show that yet. Don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses. But most importantly, don't use the "things" that you have as a way of impressing someone. At the end of the day, material possessions do not mean a thing, if your integrity is not in check.

Don't hurt someone's heart if you are not ready to commit to an honest relationship with them. Don't string people along, making them believe something about you, that is really not true. A person who becomes damaged by your lack of truthfulness can bring much more harm to you than you could to them in the end. There is nothing wrong with saying, "I can not do this for you at this time" or "I am not ready for this kind of commitment", if you truly are not. When you are honest with a sensible person from the beginning, you free them to make a better choice for themselves if they have to. They will appreciate you in the end for giving them honesty, even if they are upset by it at the beginning.
By being the man or woman that God intends us to be at this moment, is the best way to win a client, friend, or an object of your affection's trust- and remaining true to who God wants you to be will help you to keep it. Everyone in the world is not as interested in any shallow accomplishments you may have achieved, as they are interested in knowing what is truthful about your heart and soul. So today, make the committment to God, yourself, and those living in this universe with us, that you will be honest. Honesty is one of the strongest qualities you can possess to push you towards having the support of those you need in your life and the next step to enlightenment.
This is the God honest truth!