Kaye Goes To the Beach!

Kaye Goes To the Beach!
Life is like a Beach Chair

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Open your mouth!

People often forget the promise that if we ask, we shall receive.  They could care about something very deeply, but fear will keep them from sharing their conviction.  People in general, are often considerate of what people think and how they will react to them.  For this reason many of them don't open their mouths when they need to.

Due to their fear of not feeling that they measure up, people will miss many opportunities which may come their way that have a huge potential to enhance their lives significantly.  There are a plethora of avenues available in the contemporary world, where people could make huge spiritual, financial, or health conscious shifts to something better, but they feel they can't do it.  People are afraid of the idea of selling!  They want to run a successful business or do something else that they dream of, but they never take a leap of faith because they feel they are not the sales type.

What exactly is the sales type anyway?  Is a good sales person not someone who simply demonstrates their expertise about a product or service in order to help a buyer to make a more informed decision?  Are they not people who enthusiastic about what they do?  Do they not greet you with a smile, and work often to get you exactly what you need?

I am here to tell you that sales people are all around you!  The nice waiter at your favorite restaurant tells you all he knows about the new entrees on the menu.  He tells you which one he likes best sometimes, and more often than not, people go with the waiters choice.  Doctors and Lawyers are sales people too.  They sell you their knowledge of the body or the law, to keep you well and out of jail!  In fact, YOU are also a sales person!  You sold your experience, education, and other qualifications to get your job (even if now you realize that you hate it)!  You sell your friends on why they should shop in a certain place, or why they should  not use a certain product or service. In fact, most successful businesses get their start via word of mouth advertising!

So really, the only difference between you and a successful sales person is that they open their mouths and tell others what they have to offer, more often!  Good sales people practice having charisma, they study the ins and outs of what they sell, so that they can help you make a more informed decision.  They practice using their charisma and charm.  They make mistakes along the way just like everyone else, but they have the faith to keep on going until they have perfected the skill.  Consequently, they change their lives as a result.  You can do the same thing!  Set a goal for yourself and keep working to achieve it, being happy in the work, until you reach the goal.  Have the faith to step out of your comfort zone.  Learn what works best for you and what doesn't.  Before you know it you will be on your way!  After all, if you don't use it, you lose it- and you'll be stuck wondering what could have been.  Start by simply saying hello to someone.  It may seem hard at first, but just like riding a bike, it gets easier and easier.  You can do it!  Find that thing you want to do more than anything...and regardless of how crazy it may seem, get to work on finding the best way to sell it and then do it!  You will be so glad in the end that you did...and the faith you develop as a result will take you a long, long way!

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