Kaye Goes To the Beach!

Kaye Goes To the Beach!
Life is like a Beach Chair

Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's been a while since my last post, and a lot has gone on in the world!  This year, 2012, has seen its share of great things happen and bad things too.  This time of the year should be a time of reflection, but also a time to share great joy, as those of us that are still here have the chance to see what the next year will hold.  We can be sad when we reflect on those lives that were lost, but we can also be optimistic about what the future will bring.

I am thankful that I am one of the few who did make it through the year.  I am glad that the Mayans were wrong about the world ending on December 21, 2012.  I am looking forward to starting anew!  Being a better person...a better mother, a better servant for God, a better friend and lover than I was in the past.  I am happy that I get to celebrate, the Lord Jesus Christ's birthday, with good people, good food, and create new memories of love that will carry me for years to come through the rest of my life.

I feel blessed with what I have learned and am excited to face the new things that will come about to further strengthen my character and that will make me better as a whole.  My faith in the idea that what is good will always prevail is stronger today than it ever has been.  I believe that next year can definitely be better than 2012 was for all of us, if we but all work together and keep that faith in mind as we deal with other people in the world and ourselves.  I thank God for the life I've lived this year, and I thank him for you!  I wish you many blessings on the Lord's birthday, for the rest of this year, and throughout next year.  

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