Yesterday, we celebrated Thanksgiving. It was an extremely special time for me. I had the chance to see two uncles, whom I had not seen in many years. I had the rare chance to go back in time and remember great memories shared with them and other members of my family. We got the chance to see how we had changed over the years, it was amazing to see how time had changed us. I was so thankful to have the opportunity to see them in person hug them, hear their laughter, learn about the lives they are leading and to share about my life.
Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday, because it puts the idea of being thankful at the forefront of people's minds. As a result, they are little bit nicer, are more focused on trying to enjoy other people, and is the beginning of the season of sharing. At the end of the day, we find ourselves exhausted from all of the good food, fun, and laughter we enjoyed all day long. This kind of exhaustion is the kind we should be experiencing every day. But we get so caught up in other seemingly more important things and miss out on it. We should be on purpose about being thankful everyday, because gratitude is the start of the process for you to have anything you want! Having a giving heart all year long is the second step!
Being thankful and giving, in fact, are explicit instructions for us from God. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us, "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." And Proverbs 19:17 says, "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay unto him." Now there you have it! Being thanksgiving only helps you! It's benefits are unfailing and eternal. Want proof? Now is the perfect time to start following the steps and get it! You don't have anything to lose by doing so.
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