Kaye Goes To the Beach!

Kaye Goes To the Beach!
Life is like a Beach Chair

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Knowing Now

I am glad that I know Now!
All that life can offer- right now!
What can life offer me now?
The chance to live!
To go, to be, to do-
My dreams or my nightmares
I decide.
The chance to love or hate...
The chance to win or lose-
And take it in stride- or NOT!

Now is grabbing your hand--now!
Nudging you to take a step-
Make a move.
Now wants to cover you...
Make you invincible- or NOT!
Now is a promised lifetime partner,
For better or worse-
Now is telling you it needs a good partner
Just like you!

Knowing now- has helped me to become
A much better person-
Getting it done now, getting it over now
Taking this chance now, investing now
Loving now, forgiving now, changing my life now,
hearing now-
Has turned me into the perfect person
To share my love story with now-with you- now!

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