People often forget the promise that if we ask, we shall receive. They could care about something very deeply, but fear will keep them from sharing their conviction. People in general, are often considerate of what people think and how they will react to them. For this reason many of them don't open their mouths when they need to.
Due to their fear of not feeling that they measure up, people will miss many opportunities which may come their way that have a huge potential to enhance their lives significantly. There are a plethora of avenues available in the contemporary world, where people could make huge spiritual, financial, or health conscious shifts to something better, but they feel they can't do it. People are afraid of the idea of selling! They want to run a successful business or do something else that they dream of, but they never take a leap of faith because they feel they are not the sales type.
What exactly is the sales type anyway? Is a good sales person not someone who simply demonstrates their expertise about a product or service in order to help a buyer to make a more informed decision? Are they not people who enthusiastic about what they do? Do they not greet you with a smile, and work often to get you exactly what you need?
I am here to tell you that sales people are all around you! The nice waiter at your favorite restaurant tells you all he knows about the new entrees on the menu. He tells you which one he likes best sometimes, and more often than not, people go with the waiters choice. Doctors and Lawyers are sales people too. They sell you their knowledge of the body or the law, to keep you well and out of jail! In fact, YOU are also a sales person! You sold your experience, education, and other qualifications to get your job (even if now you realize that you hate it)! You sell your friends on why they should shop in a certain place, or why they should not use a certain product or service. In fact, most successful businesses get their start via word of mouth advertising!
So really, the only difference between you and a successful sales person is that they open their mouths and tell others what they have to offer, more often! Good sales people practice having charisma, they study the ins and outs of what they sell, so that they can help you make a more informed decision. They practice using their charisma and charm. They make mistakes along the way just like everyone else, but they have the faith to keep on going until they have perfected the skill. Consequently, they change their lives as a result. You can do the same thing! Set a goal for yourself and keep working to achieve it, being happy in the work, until you reach the goal. Have the faith to step out of your comfort zone. Learn what works best for you and what doesn't. Before you know it you will be on your way! After all, if you don't use it, you lose it- and you'll be stuck wondering what could have been. Start by simply saying hello to someone. It may seem hard at first, but just like riding a bike, it gets easier and easier. You can do it! Find that thing you want to do more than anything...and regardless of how crazy it may seem, get to work on finding the best way to sell it and then do it! You will be so glad in the end that you did...and the faith you develop as a result will take you a long, long way!
Blog that is designed to share valuable knowledge, inspire, and uplift others- in the hopes that they will maximize their time on earth to achieve true success and happiness by living up to their greatest potential, as often as possible!
Kaye Goes To the Beach!
Life is like a Beach Chair
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The children are our future
When I was child, my parents pushed me always to be the best and most productive person that I could be. They encouraged me to get a good education. They taught me the value of a dollar. I learned that success came from hard work and the proper application of education and skills that I acquired through formal education and life lessons. While I did have a social life, my parents played a major role in the choices I made when it came to hanging out with certain groups and/or engaging in certain activities. My parents believed in supporting me and they also believed in solid and quality family time being spent with the children.
I believe that the foundation that my parents gave me afforded me the opportunity to grow up strong and with sound morals and values. And even though life can sometimes throw me major curve balls, my goal is to still hit them all out of the park! Being the mother of a teenage daughter, I am exposed a lot to other teenagers and I see the stark differences in the way I was raised, versus how a lot of them (not all of them) are being raised now. They are exposed to way too much inappropriate material by way of the television and radios. Parents sometimes take a less active role in helping them make good choices about who to hang out with and what functions to attend. Where I had to be inside my house before the street lights came on, I see children now of all ages being allowed to stay out til the wee hours of the morning. Left to their own vices, and to make adult choices with immature minds. I often hear parents complain about the task they are faced with in raising children. They say they are uncontrollable, stubborn, lazy, and sassy. When I ask these parents how much time they take up with their children, they say, they have to work long hours, or really can't afford to do much with them.
As a result, more and more children are making bad decisions. They are losing their desire to have more, to be better, stronger than the generation that came before them. Instead, they are regressing. They are backtracking and falling in those societal traps that are meant to imprison them mentally and eventually physically. They are becoming more violent, and have less respect for their bodies and their minds than ever before. It's alarming to see that children have such a different mindset than I did growing up. What's even more scary is that these are the people who will run the world when we are too old to do so. Answer these questions for in your mind:
Can you imagine what kinds of decisions that some of them will make as leaders?
How many of them will actually break from the bad habits they developed when growing up being mostly unattended?
Are you confident that the young people around you have a good chance of growing up to be responsible, caring, open-minded and positively driven to want to and put action behind changing the world for the better?
Are you sure they won't make it worse for you? When is the last time you asked a teenager what they wanted to be when they grew up? Did you ask them how they were going to accomplish their goal?
If your answers to these questions alarm you, then why don't you take some action too?
Try mentoring a child? Help to expose a them to something great that they wouldn't otherwise be. It doesn't have to be expensive, and it's very possible that you will be exposed to something that will change your life too! We must remember that we are taking care of our futures too, when we make sure that the children can see one. By preserving their quality of life, we preserve our own.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Everyone needs a good support system
Sometimes, people get angry and say, "I don't need you!" And out of that anger, they sometimes push away someone that could really help them get to where they want to be in this life. We sometimes say those words to a dear friend or family member, and because of our own selfishness, we lose the opportunity to reconcile with them, and cherish with them the last great moments that either they or we have on this precious earth.
Who are we to think that we need no one? Who are we to believe that we can make in this world without asking someone for a favor, even if it's a stranger, and even worse, believe that we can get all that we want out of life without being of assistance to someone else. So many of us profess being Christians and doing our best to live by the example that Jesus set for us, but even Jesus couldn't fulfill all the tasks that our father laid out before him alone. He needed 12 disciples to help him to get the job done. Sure, he did do the biggest task on his own, which was to give his life so that we could have an everlasting one, but in Jesus' 32 short years on this earth, he was surely not going to be able to spread the gospel all over the world to the people present during his time, and most definitely, the task would have been impossible after life was removed from his physical body!
The same is true today. Most of us wanted to do something special when we were children (and many of us still do as adults). But without a good support system, its really almost impossible to accomplish a great feat. Take Henry Ford for example, he had less than a sixth grade education, but he was able to revolutionize the automobile industry, and the foundation that he laid, still exists today in Ford Motor Company. He didn't do it alone either! He went out and found people who were more educated than he, and motivated them to get to work on his dream! The same is true for Thomas Edison, who used a think tank to perfect many of his inventions. When the founding fathers of the United States decided to become an independent nation, they called on regular citizens from the 13 colonies to hold back the British Army, and even though they were not skilled in the art of warfare, they defeated them and became an independent nation. And there are countless others, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, and Mother Teresa, just to name a few- who found people who believed in what they were trying to do enough to encourage them and even join them in their quest to accomplish great things.
Your support system doesn't have to be just family, it can be friends, co-workers, and even strangers who believe enough in what you may be trying to do, that will want to encourage you, offer ideas, and in the best case join you! The best thing is that you can seek out people in the same way, find out what they are passionate about and share your passion with them if you feel the same way about it. Two heads are always better than one. I encourage you to get started on that great feat that is rambling around inside of you, and keep searching until you find the people that will stand by you until you finish it! You will be so happy that you did, and even happier to lend the same level of support to them!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Your Gift Will Open the Way for You and Others
"A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great." Prov. 18:16
Did you know that each one of us was blessed with a special gift to bring to the world. We are supposed to use our gifts to do a profound work, one that should uplift and enlighten others. A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a very dear friend of mine, who told confessed that they were wondering about what the true meaning for their life was and how they were supposed to make a difference. This friend suffered a great tragedy, and said to me as we talked, "I wished I knew what my purpose for being on this earth is. I want to fulfill that purpose, as now I realize that nothing material will truly make me happy." I went on to tell her finding her true purpose is as easy as asking God to reveal it to her, and then to set about the task of looking for the answer to be revealed to her. I did tell her to that once her gift was made clear, she had to immediately get to work on making a plan to share her gift with the world. Some of us have some pretty obvious gifts...maybe you have a great singing voice, or the the ability to make people laugh. Other gifts may not be so clear, or may not thrust you into a spolight right away. All true gifts from God that are possessed by people, will however, open the way for the giver, and puts him or her in the presence of other great people who will appreciate what they have to offer. More than money, or anything material, a true gift when shared properly, will bring a peace and sense of satisfaction to the giver that no amount of money can compare to. If you keep your eyes on what's really important, which is giving the best of yourself, and being infinitely thankful for every experience you have while sharing your gift, you will soon find that you will be changed for the better. Those around you will notice the change too. Oftentimes, they will be inspired to be better also. This is how change in the world is really made. It comes from people like you, realizing their higher calling, not being afraid to operate in that calling, and encouraging others to do the same. Don't be afraid of finding out why you were planted in this earth, at this time. If you keep the faith, your gift will not only put you in the presence of the great, it can will also help you to become one of the great!
Did you know that each one of us was blessed with a special gift to bring to the world. We are supposed to use our gifts to do a profound work, one that should uplift and enlighten others. A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a very dear friend of mine, who told confessed that they were wondering about what the true meaning for their life was and how they were supposed to make a difference. This friend suffered a great tragedy, and said to me as we talked, "I wished I knew what my purpose for being on this earth is. I want to fulfill that purpose, as now I realize that nothing material will truly make me happy." I went on to tell her finding her true purpose is as easy as asking God to reveal it to her, and then to set about the task of looking for the answer to be revealed to her. I did tell her to that once her gift was made clear, she had to immediately get to work on making a plan to share her gift with the world. Some of us have some pretty obvious gifts...maybe you have a great singing voice, or the the ability to make people laugh. Other gifts may not be so clear, or may not thrust you into a spolight right away. All true gifts from God that are possessed by people, will however, open the way for the giver, and puts him or her in the presence of other great people who will appreciate what they have to offer. More than money, or anything material, a true gift when shared properly, will bring a peace and sense of satisfaction to the giver that no amount of money can compare to. If you keep your eyes on what's really important, which is giving the best of yourself, and being infinitely thankful for every experience you have while sharing your gift, you will soon find that you will be changed for the better. Those around you will notice the change too. Oftentimes, they will be inspired to be better also. This is how change in the world is really made. It comes from people like you, realizing their higher calling, not being afraid to operate in that calling, and encouraging others to do the same. Don't be afraid of finding out why you were planted in this earth, at this time. If you keep the faith, your gift will not only put you in the presence of the great, it can will also help you to become one of the great!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Have we no compassion anymore?
What happened to the good old days, when people felt something for other people? When families banned together with their neighbors in a time of need, and everyone helped everyone else out. What has changed so much about the human race that we can no longer offer understanding to another who’s faced with a difficulty. When we can’t help an elderly person by cutting their grass or even bringing them a hot meal? What has happened to make ours a culture of such purposeful indifference, ignorance, and indecency- that we no longer care about the family that is losing their home, or helping out the person who has been looking for work for months with no luck, but instead pay attention to the most vile and clearly degrading, flagrant and subliminal messages that are thrown at us all day long? How can we return to the state of cultural cadence that we once knew? What will our future be like without it?
On my journey to become the best person that I can be, I have become ultra sensitive to how often we take for granted the well known fact that having compassion for others is necessary in order to become the highest and best form of yourself. It is the left arm of love, the one that is always eager to help another. Compassion comes from passion, the kind that loves all mankind. Compassion is the passion of Jesus. It can be such a blessing too! Compassion is also a boomerang. It will surely come back to you when you need it most, as all positive emotions can. But the best part is that you can receive its full benefit with no strings attached…from a stranger- after only having done the one work of giving it to another.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Just BE honest....
When you are building a relationship with someone, whether it is business or otherwise, honesty is the best attribute you can exhibit. This characteristic builds all of those things that make a relationship work. "Back in the day" as we so often say now adays, a person's word was usually all they had to stand on in order to get a job, credit, and even a date with someone. While charisma and charm may take you a long way, if you are exposed for being dishonest, then the other attributes that you worked so hard showing off become dishonest too. Unless you can own up to your dishonesty, after getting caught, then chances are, the relationship is damaged....and more often than not, it's damaged forever.
If you are going to brand yourself as being a person of integrity, then its important to be truthful from the very beginning. Don't promise things that you cannot deliver. Don't pump yourself up to be extraordinary, when you know you are not at a state where you can show that yet. Don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses. But most importantly, don't use the "things" that you have as a way of impressing someone. At the end of the day, material possessions do not mean a thing, if your integrity is not in check.
By being the man or woman that God intends us to be at this moment, is the best way to win a client, friend, or an object of your affection's trust- and remaining true to who God wants you to be will help you to keep it. Everyone in the world is not as interested in any shallow accomplishments you may have achieved, as they are interested in knowing what is truthful about your heart and soul. So today, make the committment to God, yourself, and those living in this universe with us, that you will be honest. Honesty is one of the strongest qualities you can possess to push you towards having the support of those you need in your life and the next step to enlightenment.
If you are going to brand yourself as being a person of integrity, then its important to be truthful from the very beginning. Don't promise things that you cannot deliver. Don't pump yourself up to be extraordinary, when you know you are not at a state where you can show that yet. Don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses. But most importantly, don't use the "things" that you have as a way of impressing someone. At the end of the day, material possessions do not mean a thing, if your integrity is not in check.
Don't hurt someone's heart if you are not ready to commit to an honest relationship with them. Don't string people along, making them believe something about you, that is really not true. A person who becomes damaged by your lack of truthfulness can bring much more harm to you than you could to them in the end. There is nothing wrong with saying, "I can not do this for you at this time" or "I am not ready for this kind of commitment", if you truly are not. When you are honest with a sensible person from the beginning, you free them to make a better choice for themselves if they have to. They will appreciate you in the end for giving them honesty, even if they are upset by it at the beginning.
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